Voice Publisher Admin for Mobile

Table of contents

We are very excited to introduce you today the Mobile Web version of VoicePublisher Admin, available on smartphones and tablets. Originally suggested by several of our customers, this version of the management interface is live for every account today.

Admin de VoicePublisher disponible sur Mobile

Manage your IVR & Call Routing
services wherever your are.

Whether you’re in the train, down the street or just in the conference room, you’re now able to easily manage audios files, changes route destinations, activate / desactivate flashs, and modify calendars in your voice applications in seconds, from your smartphone.

3 écrans de l'interface Admin pour mobile


Available on iOS & Android

The Mobile Web management interface of VoicePublisher Admin works automatically in your mobile device’s web browser – no app needed. VoicePublisher Admin on mobile is available for iPhone (iOS 3+) abd Smartphones Android (3+).


Thanks again for using VoicePublisher!

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