Analyze your callers’ online journey for efficient marketing

Analyze your caller's online journey for efficient marketing
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What makes real sense for companies to grow sales today is offering their online visitors a relevant experience. This means some valuable and personalized content and call-to-actions, displayed at the perfect timing to engage. In marketing, a data-driven approach is key to better learn and understand your leads’ behavior, and optimize their online journey.

By analyzing this journey, you can also define the steps your leads are going through on your website. For example, which traffic source are they coming from? Which of your pages have they browsed? When aligned with your overall conversions, these pieces of data reveal a huge marketing potential:

  • In an omni-channel strategy, analyzing online visitors’ journey leads to spotlight the best-performing traffic sources, driving direct or indirect conversions. This way, you can easily calculate and optimize your global cost per lead and per traffic source.
  • This analysis can also help to define how your funnels and conversion pages are performing on your website. Then, you can enhance your most efficient touchpoints and pages, and redesign the less efficient ones.


For a complete overview and analysis of your online visitors’ journey, you need to think about all your conversion channels. And this also includes your inbound phone calls! For both B2B and B2C, phone is still one of the most efficient channels for leads and customers to contact a business.

You have to know one thing: through your marketing campaigns, you are generating online AND phone conversions. But how can you get some data about the origin of your calls, and your online visitors’ journey? And, how can all this fit into your analytics tools for a complete, accurate and centralized overview of your marketing performance?

The answer is call tracking. In this article, you will see how this solution can help you to take up your business challenges.


Call Tracking to include your phone leads to visitors’ journey analysis

Call tracking is a Cloud solution to collect and analyze inbound call data from your marketing campaigns. This way, you can measure the efficiency of your channels, traffic sources, keywords and web pages.

With call tracking by Web session, you can easily draw your leads and visitors’ online journey on your website. And all this through data directly centralized in your Google Analytics account. In the end, you get a complete and consolidated overview on your visitors’ journey leading to online or phone conversions.

This advanced call tracking can bring you two major benefits:

  1. It allows you to calculate accurately your cost per lead by traffic source.
  2. Thanks to this, you can define which of your web pages and touchpoints are generating the most phone calls.


Before getting deeper into these benefits, let’s see first how call tracking works to collect inbound call data.

Call tracking by Web session is based on dynamic number insertion (DNI). This can be simply set up in seconds. All you need is to create a pool of tracking numbers, and then to integrate the DNI script on your website. You can include the script directly in your pages’ code, or do it through a Google Tag Manager-like tool.

Once the settings done, a tracking number will be dynamically displayed on your website for each visitor. So, when leads are calling you on these unique numbers, you can collect all the data related to their online journey. This includes traffic sources, visited pages, last page browsed before the call, …


Measure traffic sources and multichannel funnels’ ability to generate phone contacts


Your website is linked to several traffic sources, on which you are investing more or less of your budget. To calculate their ROI and optimize your expenses, you need to assess these traffic sources’ performance.

And that’s the point of call tracking by Web session! It helps you measure how many calls you have received from each traffic source. Google Ads, SEO, referral sites, emailing, and many more can be tracked this way. By combining this data with your online leads’ conversions, you can accurately establish a reliable cost per lead. In fact, you will even decrease this cost. As you are now taking into account some phone conversions which were still here before!


Your online visitors may not convert into leads at their very first time on your pages. Some can come first from a Google Ads link, then come back through a LinkedIn ad. And finally, convert by directly getting on your website. In such context, data about your indirect conversions and multichannel funnels are crucial to analyze how your leadgen campaigns are performing.

By integrating call tracking with Google Analytics, your phone calls can easily turn into conversions on this platform. Just like your online forms or content downloads, your inbound call data can complete your multichannel funnels leading to conversions.

Taken together, these two aspects give a global overview on the performance and ROI of your marketing channels. And this goes for direct conversions (by traffic source) and indirect conversions as well (multichannel funnels).


Analyze conversion pages’ performance to generate inbound calls


Once a visitor gets to your website, it’s only the beginning of your conversion efforts! Indeed, your web pages and the funnels they make are playing a huge part in converting your visitors into leads. So, it is important for you to identify the pages that are mostly browsed before a conversion. This way, you can measure their performance, and see the combinations of pages that drive to conversions. Eventually, you can optimize or redesign them with what you have in mind about your visitors’ online behavior.

Call tracking by Web session can save all the data related to the pages visited before a call. Then, you can easily identify and quantify the most popular pages to your phone leads. Given that these are also the pages with the biggest impact on your phone conversions!


The last visited pages before a conversion are even more important. Because they are your formula to convince your visitors to contact your business.

Again, thanks to call tracking by Web session, you can easily find out the last page visited before a call. And this is great news, because you know exactly which of your pages are performing best to generate inbound calls. You can also see this data directly in Google Analytics as any other of your acquisition data. Your milestone pages for online AND phone conversions are clearly identified in your marketing, hurray!




It is very fast and easy to set up call tracking online for any kind of company. It only takes a few clicks to create a tracking number pool and insert the DNI script on your website. And right then, you can immediately start receiving calls and collecting data. Try our call tracking solution now, and build relevant analysis of your visitors’ and callers’ online journey. Last but not least, calculate your cost per lead accurately and find out your top-performing conversion pages to optimize them.

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