BYmyCAR is an automotive group, with car dealerships selling new or used vehicles of 18 brands in France. As the company is digitalizing their strategy, BYmyCAR needs to measure the impact of their marketing and communication channels in their acquisition.
As 75% of their inbound contacts are generated by inbound calls, phone stands as a core conversion channel for BYmyCAR. They decided to implement Dexem Call Tracking to identify the origin of their callers. Given this, they can find out which of their digital campaigns have the highest ROI as they generate calls and new opportunities.
Dexem Call Tracking allows BYmyCAR to optimize their marketing budget. First, they can prove the efficiency of their website. And second, as they know their cost per lead, they can improve their marketing actions involving advertising partners. Moreover, sales teams at BYmyCAR can also benefit from this tool, with more time and reactivity for their callers. Dexem Call Tracking can send call data directly in their CRM, and they can also change their redirection numbers in seconds, whenever they need to be away from office.
With Call Tracking, we can show our campaigns are generating conversions and revenue through inbound calls.
Rajai Dajani, Marketing Director at BYmyCAR
In this customer story, you will see how BYmyCAR has deployed Dexem Call Tracking on their entire network, and how it allowed them to optimize budgets and marketing actions.