3 closing emails to send to your customers after a phone call with sales purpose

3 Closing E-mails to send to your Customers after a Phone Call with Sales purpose

Previously, we taught you how to detect when your customer is ready to say “YES” to your offer. Today is...

5 signs that your customer is ready to buy

5 Signs that your Customer is ready to buy from you !

You have been waiting for this moment since the first words you said to your prospect, and maybe it was...

5 mobile apps every sales expert should have on his smartphone

5 Mobile apps every Sales expert should have on his smartphone

Today more than ever, you need your smartphone in your work. It allows you to be reactive towards your customers’...

That's too expensive - How to answer this classic argument of your leads

« That’s too expensive »: How to answer this classic argument of your leads

Why do you seem to hear this objection that often when you’re talking with your leads? Because there are several...

5 Ways to overpass an objection for Sales experts

5 Ways to overpass an objection for Sales experts

“Let me just tell you I’m only looking for information, actually I’m asking everywhere about all the possibilities on the...

3 Behaviours of your Phone Leads You must Know and Turn into Assets

3 Behaviours of your Phone Leads You must Know and Turn into Assets

There is a French game called Colin-maillard, when one blindfolded child tries to catch all the others all around him...

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