Call transcription, summaries and semantic analysis.
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Since a recent tweet from @DHH, we wanted to try the lastest beta of Ruby On Rails for our R&D...
There are two kinds of people who implement IVR menus: first, those who choose the comfortable and easy solution of...
There is a French game called Colin-maillard, when one blindfolded child tries to catch all the others all around him...
All your potential customers can find you online thanks to Google Adwords, just by clicking or giving you a phone...
You have far more chances to convert your customers if you call them back within the very first minute after...
Did you know that you can get three times more sales conversions after a phone call than after filling an...
Call Flow is the structure of your IVR that defines the path followed by your customer when he gives you...
You can be proud of your ability to manage franchises on a national, or even international scale. Each of your...
When you offer customer support by phone, your customers learn almost as many things about you as if you were...
Call transcription, summaries, semantic analysis.