Agencies, prove your adwords phone conversions

Agencies, Prove Your AdWords Phone Conversions (Down To The Keyword Level)

Agencies, you manage your customers AdWords campaigns. You want to get the absolute best results for your clients. In fact,...

Yann Gourvennec Interview Dexem ROI digital

Interview with Digital Marketing Expert, Yann Gourvennec: “Digital Marketing ROI: A Necessary Evil To Be Measured With The Highest Honesty.”

Recently, we had the chance to interview Yann Gourvennec, founder and CEO of the agency ‘Visionary Marketing’ specialized in Digital...

Track these 8 traffic sources that drive phone leads

Track these 8 traffic sources that drive phone leads

As a Digital Marketing expert, your biggest challenge is to generate the largest number of leads in a way that...

Call Tracking for Real Estate Companies key benetifs

Call Tracking for Real Estate Companies : key benefits

Real estate lead generation is evolving. 90% of home buyers search online during their real estate search process. Within seconds,...

Does your company need Call Tracking

Does your company need Call Tracking?

To continually improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, you need to know what channels work and which ones aren’t...


10 Digital Marketing Twitter Accounts We Are Following

Benchmarking is part of our weekly to-do-list in our Marketing team at Dexem. For 2 main reasons: to stay up-to-date...

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