As a Digital Agency, how will Call Tracking help you to develop your business?

As a Digital Agency, how will Call Tracking help you to develop your business?

“You’re in marketing for one reason: Grow. Grow your company, reputation, customers, impact, profits. Grow yourself.” Through this Mark Schaefer’s...

How to track your phone conversions from your Emailing campaigns

How to track your phone conversions from your Emailing campaigns

Emailing is still a very efficient marketing tool today. It enables you to display immediately an extremely personalized content. According...

How to track your phone conversions from organic search

How to track your phone conversions from organic search

Many of your prospects will find your website through organic search, whatever your activity is focused on. According to Phillips...

Feature highlight: audio format automatic conversion

Feature highlight: audio format automatic conversion

We’re so excited to introduce you an exciting feature that will really make your life easier, when using audio files...

As a Web Marketer, do you really know your Cost per lead ?

As a Web Marketer, do you really know your Cost per lead ?

See your website like the city of Rome: it was not built in a day, though you wish to make...

5 Reasons to start with Call Tracking when You are a Digital Marketing Expert

5 Reasons to start with Call Tracking as a Digital Marketing Expert

Today, if you wish to learn more precisely about your visitors’ behavior on your website, you can use online tools...

5 Essential Customer Service Trends for Your Business in 2016

5 Essential Customer Service Trends for Your Business in 2016

Your customers’ expectations towards your company constantly evolve from one year to another. You will make the difference by understanding...

Call Tracking : the 5 main advantages

Did you ever receive unexpected prospect call ? Do you know which one of your advertising campaign is the most...

Detect the Caller’s Language based on the Dialed Phone Number

Today we will introduce you an interesting case resolved by our support team for one of our client. This client...

Dexem AI

Call transcription, summaries, semantic analysis.

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